Bat Inventory and Monitoring

MES utilizes both active and passive methodology for bat inventory and monitoring studies. This includes bat capture with mist-netting and/or harp tarps, acoustical monitoring with detectors, and emergence and hibernacula surveys. Often all methods are used in order to increase the likelihood of capturing and confirming the presence/absence of endangered species, and to better understand species diversity in the study area. All the work we complete follows state and federal guidelines.

Capture methods and services include:

  • Targeted mist-netting using triple, double, and single high nets depending on habitat available.
  • Harp-net trapping in both man-made habitats (barns and mines) and natural habitats including caves.
  • Biological sampling including collection of fur and blood for genetics or contaminant analysis.
  • Radio-transmitter attachment for tracking and movement studies.
  • Banding
  • Morphometric Data
  • Photographs
bat inventory and monitoring

Acoustical Monitoring methods and services include:

  • Acoustic detection using most up to date full spectrum ultrasonic bat detectors
  • Analysis of all data with the appropriate approved USFWS software including Kaleidoscope Pro® (most recent version), using the classifier “Bats of North America”
  • All data is subsequently manually reviewed using SonoBat® (most recent version) to ensure accuracy and presence/absence of species

Emergence Surveys

MES has experience conducting emergence surveys in various locations including bridges, barns, caves, and forested habitats/tree roosts. Once roost sites are located we can provide accurate counts based on the latest scientific guidelines.

Hibernacula Surveys

MES has worked with both state and federal agencies to conduct hibernacula surveys to monitor bat populations and the spread of white-nose syndrome across the United States.

bat inventory and monitoring
bat inventory and monitoring

Hoary Bat Sonogram

bat inventory and monitoring

Little Brown Bat Sonogram